Wednesday 2 October 2013


Definition of Communication

Communication is very important in our daily lives. Wherever we are expertise and knowledge of how to communicate is vital to ensure the understanding of each other. Communication occurs when any important information can transfer from ourselves to those around us who received the information would like to be served. Both parties need to have understanding that such information can be shared with others. Basic interpersonal communication is a communication to link between an individual with individuals who need such information.

According to Places Four Editions, communication can be defined as a relationship (directly or with intermediate instrument, radio, telephone, etc.); mass communication or relationship ~ with or which reach to the public generally; communicate in relation to (directly or with intermediate instrument, radio, telephone, etc.), communication (re ¬ talk, discuss, ideas, etc.)

Verdeber & Verdeber (2002) and Hybels & Weaver (2001) defines communication is the process of developing and sharing meaning, feelings and ideas in a speech, interaction groups writing or public speeches. Normal process involving individuals and their interaction with the elements of context, message, channel, noise (interference) and feedback.

Through some of this definition we can that this communication is a process when an individual who has an interest to convey information in verbal or verbal number that will affect the behavior of others.

Interpersonal communication is very important because of the way we communicate with others will influence the individual perspective about us. How do we communicate well with their direct, personal and spontaneous. There are several purposes of interpersonal communication for influence other individuals. One of them is to create a relationship. Is unique in our lives when we could not run away from note the things that happen in our around. Every day we will be building a relationship in order to obtain information that would like to be served and presented by each individual. An individual's discharge and views will influence the attitude of individuals involved in interpersonal communication.

We need to adapt to others. To launch communication happens, we're going to get another person's information to enable more effective interaction occurred. Therefore, important in communicating we comply with the norms, rules and practices in communication for building bilateral relations with forecast individual thoughts and feelings that will receive messages.

Occurred in one way when the individual communication feedback without the need for other causes direct action by the recipient of the message. The communication also can occur through bilateral requiring recipients respond to messages received. Message that has been delivered shall be improved if  the message is inaccurate or lack of information on the matters discussed. This is to ensure that the next action is performed correctly.

A family must ensure that communication happen effectively. Information submitted should be easily understandable, accurate and clear to facilitate the sharing of that information. Each balance sheet changes that need to be repaired must always go hand in hand with what the sender information please. The message could not be received with good will invite a wide range of problems in the family. Both parties need to know what to do when having problems like this. Improper language and lack of information make the communication did not run smoothly.

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